Shipping & Returns

The deliveries of the products are made within the city of Thessaloniki through the company on the date you have chosen, free of charge. For orders outside the city of Thessaloniki the cost is calculated after contact.

Returns policy
You have the right to return one or more products within 3 calendar days from the date of purchase. In case of return of the product, fill in the form and contact us by phone in order to inform us about the reasons for the return and the way you want us to serve you. In case your return is not the fault of the company, it will only charge you the direct cost of returning the products. In the event that the reason for your return concerns a mistake of the company, we undertake to undertake the immediate replacement of the product.

* In case the replacement is not possible due to the unavailability of the requested product, we will contact you offering you the alternative options.